Monday, June 30, 2008

The honeymoon is definitely over

The second week of camp was much more challenging than the first week.  The kids seem to be less concerned with impressing the counselors with good behavior.  During the second week I learned the importance of having a strict schedule.  When we had a tentative schedule the kids tended to get out of control.  Thus, we weren't able to run the activities smoothly.  In contrast, when we had a strict scheduled laid out the day went very smoothly, and the kids behaved great.
Working with the older kids has been challenging, but I would not want to be with any other group.  Throughout the last week our group had various "interventions".  During these "interventions" the whole group sat in a circle and we discussed problems and possible solutions.  I was amazed how much the kids participated, and were willing to share their feelings.  The conflict resolution definitely helped Tyler the most.  He is now working cooperatively with the other kids.  Getting the older group to run smoothly is still a work in progress, but there is no doubt in my mind that in the upcoming weeks the boys will make tremendous strides in working with each other.
  As far as my goals for my campers, I would like to work with Joey on processing his thoughts before he speaks.  Joey is always participating, but he often just raises his hand without thinking about the question.  I would like to get him to think before he answers, which will allow him to articulate his ideas.

Im Out,

1 comment:

Cathy Walker said...

I appreciate your thoughtful blog and your goal to work with Joey. I just noticed him today and thought wow, he needs some attention. I also think he is likely to be very responsive. Dealing with his impulsiveness will be a challenge. Good for you for noticing it and being willing to take it on!