Monday, June 30, 2008


I guess there is some benefit to blogging after everyone else has already had their say because I really cannot think of much to add that the rest of the group hasn't already pointed out.  The kids seem to pick and choose when to really dump it on us with no real rhyme or reason, but, boy, would I like to crack their code.  On the other side of that, however, they have also been able to pick and choose days to behave like angels, so I guess we'll just keep taking the good with the bad and keep working on deciphering the mysteries of their behavior.  As for my goals, personally, I would really like to work on treating all of the kids completely equally.  I know at this point I've kind of picked out certain kids that I really like and others that I prefer to just shy away from if I can help it, but I really want to be able to focus on the positive qualities that each one of them brings to the table and act in the same positive manner toward each and every camper.  I think it goes along with what some of the other mentors have said with regard to keeping in mind the difficult lives many of these guys and girls have had that has influenced a lot of what they do.  If I can remember that even when one of the kids I may not be as partial to is acting up, I think it will help me do away with that partiality entirely, and that's something I really want to strive for.   

1 comment:

Cathy Walker said...

I really appreciate you honesty about preference. I think we all have it no matter how much we'd like to think we don't. Being mindful of it it always the first and most important step. It's easy in such a large group to avoid certain challenges, it is a testament to your character that you are willing to take them on.