Sunday, July 13, 2008

I believe all three of my campers have decent resiliency, but all could handle adversity a little better.  Camp has definitely benefited my campers by building resiliency.  Will and Josh S. struggle more than Joey with resiliency.  Will tends to whine when things do not go his way.  Instead of looking for a solution he tends to shut down when he does not get his way.  Still, Will comes to camp with a big smile every morning.  Josh S. often becomes physical when he faces adversity.  There is no doubt that camp is helping him become resilient.  I have worked with Josh on how to deal with his problems instead of getting physical with other kids.
I believe Joey is one of the most resilient kids in the camp.  Joey does not get discouraged easily.  He tries every activity no matter whether he is comfortable with it or not.  I believed the fitness part of camp has built Joey's resilience.  Joey is not the best athlete, but he works at the sports we play.  He has improved his athletic skills throughout the camp.  
All three of my campers are no doubt resilient.  It is obvious that they are resilient based on the way they view life.  I know camp has made these kids stronger already.


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