Sunday, July 6, 2008

When In Rome

Kevin. How can I put this in words… Clearly wants attention, regardless if it is being praised or scolded. And he will do pretty much anything if you let him. Often when he is asked why he just did that (some misbehavior), he shrugs his shoulders. Sometimes I actually believe him, and his misbehavior is simply impulsivity getting the better of him. In other situations I think he might not know what is right or wrong, but this is seldom, as Kevin is far brighter than he would lead you to believe. He conveniently had to go home the day he was supposed to have 45 minutes out of the pool. Obviously his favorite part of the camp thus far has been Shady Maple, so one would think he would be an angel that day, yet he wasn’t. He still couldn’t follow the rules. I Kevin’s main downfall is his lack of self control. He is impulsive and fails to see the consequences of his actions, even if they are only seconds in the future. Also, when he does do something wrong, a simple scold in completely ineffective. Only if you take away what is nearest and dearest to him, food and the pool, does he show sadness.
Timmy is a very good camper. Rarely do we see any problems with Timmy. Sometime it takes a while for him to participate is social or performing arts activities, but he often ends up enjoying whatever we are doing. He excels at athletics especially wiffle ball.
Seth is easily our most improved camper in terms of participation and social interaction. His problem was not misbehavior, but lack of participation in camp activities. In the first days of the camp, he barely said a word and would rather keep score than do anything else. This past week he participated in wiffle ball everyday and had that classic Seth smile with every swing of the bat. Although he still brings some safety object, such as a sponge bob coloring book or a stuffed animal, he is active and really seems to be enjoying camp everyday.

1 comment:

Al said...

I *think* Kevin's