Monday, July 28, 2008

That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger

You all clearly gained many benefits from being in the program. Perhaps you even understand my title a little bit better than you did before you started. You faced many tough challenges and I am impressed with all that you took from them. You stretched yourselves beyond your comfort zones and I'm not talking about sitting mountain. You learned how to plan and organize six weeks of activities to keep a demanding group challenged and engaged. You learned to set limits, settle disputes, maintain a raucous crowd, communicate effectively with both your campers and your fellow mentors. Most importantly you built enduring attachments to your campers. You battled hardened glue and even a somewhat hardened teacher, who due to Zach's timely apology softened to the point where she actually expressed interest in our program. Thank you Zach!

I know this has not been an easy time, but it is clear that you have all grown and learned and best of all it didn't kill you!

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