Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, I'm not quite sure what to write here about resiliency.  For the most part, I feel like these kids appear to be fairly resilient, at least on the outside.  The kids seem to be told that they are misbehaving or they are made fun of or something like that and they seem to let it slide after just a few minutes.  Even if one of the kids is in timeout, I can't really recall any of the campers letting that affect the entire rest of the day.  I remember talking to little Josh about tattling and he hung his head and walked away, but less than a minute later he was back playing with the group.  Most of the kids don't seem to linger on any one thing for very long, but, again, that is a mostly superficial assesment.  I think it is very difficult with the time we have to make serious changes in the campers' resiliency.  Perhaps just making as much of an effort as possible to spend some more face time with the campers and active listening to problems would assist in building their ability to bounce back from something that was bothering them.  To be honest, I am really interested to read what the other mentors have to say about this and what some of their suggestions are because I am really at a loss here for ideas. 

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