Monday, July 7, 2008

Joey, Will, and Josh S.

My three campers have been a joy to work with in camp.  I have gotten to know all three campers well, and they all have different talents.  Joey is consistently one of the best behaved campers.  He is usually willing to participate in all the activities.  There is a couple things that Joey struggles with.  He often doesn't think before he speaks, thus he is constantly stuttering.  Also, Joey tends to follow some of the boys.  He will sometimes find himself in trouble because he will join in on the bad behavior of the group.
     Working with Will has been a roller coaster ride thus far.  Some days Will is the best behaved child in camp, others he is extremely difficult to work with.  I am not quite certain what causes the change in behavior.  Will has trouble dealing with the day when things do not go his way.  Instead of trying to find a solution for his problems, Will whines when things do not go they way he wants them to.  
Like Will, Josh's behavior varies from day to day.  In working with Josh it is obvious to see that he is an attention seeker.  Josh tries to get attention from both the mentors and the campers.  Josh also has trouble when he things do not go his way.  He gets frustrated easily, and gets extremely argumentative.  I think a lot of Josh's problems stem from his father not being around.  He has brought up that he never really sees his father, and that the only time he is happy is when he is with his Dad.
While my campers can be difficult at times, they are all a joy to work with.  Watching them make progress is amazing.  I am sure that all three will continue to make strides through the rest of camp.


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